Jimmy Wright Emergency Operations Complex
The 12,756-square-foot, fully hardened facility provides a comfortable working environment and access to natural light while protecting occupants from winds up to 200 mph. The previous DeKalb County emergency facility was located underground without exterior views. Chambless King’s design directly addresses this challenge with a unique interplay between shelter and light.
An all-glass interior wall creates a feeling of openness and extends daylight from the dispatch room into the main corridor. The light and airy design greatly improves the health and well-being of the dispatchers. A private, secure entrance, kitchen, and fitness area with 24-hour access further enhance quality of life for employees.
Perforated weathering-steel screens add a layer of shelter to large areas of impact-resistant glazing. The perforation pattern is designed to mimic dappling through tree canopies when light is cast into and onto the building.
A concrete border and manicured lawn extend the building’s shape into the rural landscape with a clean edge. The horizontal architecture and landscape contrast the adjacent 300-foot-tall communication tower.
Rainsville, Alabama
DeKalb County E-911
10,775 square feet
300-foot communications tower
AIA Alabama, Honor Award
AIA Montgomery, Honor Award