award Megan Ragland award Megan Ragland

National Building Museum Presents Fay Jones School-Curated 'A South Forty' Exhibition

The exhibition "A South Forty: Contemporary Architecture and Design in the American South" opened Saturday, Feb. 15, at the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C. Curated by Peter MacKeith, dean and professor in the Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design at the U of A, and designed by Jonathan Boelkins, architect and exhibition designer, the exhibition highlights the vibrant and distinctive architectural practices emerging from the American South. 

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award, press Megan Ragland award, press Megan Ragland

Chambless King Architects receives honors for design including The Mill apartments of Prattville

This past Saturday the Alabama Chapter of the American Institute of Architects hosted their Excellence in Design Awards ceremony at the Perdido Key Beach Resort as part of their annual conference. The juried competition reviewed nominations from architecture firms across Alabama and recognized projects that exemplify excellence in design. Only two projects received an Honor Award, the highest level of recognition AIA Alabama bestows, at this year’s ceremony—The Mill at Prattville and the Priceville Event Center. Both projects were designed by Chambless King Architects and had been recognized at the local level earlier this summer with awards from AIA Birmingham (an Honor Award and Citation Award, respectively).

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award Megan Ragland award Megan Ragland

Chambless King Architects projects honored by AIA Birmingham

On July 16, Chambless King Architects was honored by the Birmingham chapter of the Alabama Council of the American Institute of Architects for three design projects. The awards were presented to Chambless King Architects at the chapter’s annual design award ceremony at Back Forty Beer Company in downtown Birmingham.

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award Megan Ragland award Megan Ragland

Montgomery Interpretive Center recognized on Alabama’s Design200 list

Curated by DesignAlabama in partnership with Alabama Power, Alabama Tourism, Alabama Center for Architecture, and the Alabama Bicentennial Commission, Design200 includes a photo and short article about each of the 200 selections chosen across various design disciplines – architecture, landscape architecture, graphic design, industrial design and handcrafters, along with engineering and organizations devoted to design.

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